Frequently Asked Questions

You don’t have a soul. You are a Soul. You have a body.
— C. S. Lewis

What is hypnosis?

Hypnosis is a relaxation technique to reach a state of heightened concentration and relaxation. This is called the “hypnotic state,” and it’s similar to daydreaming, or that feeling of losing track of time you get after driving for long periods of time. When hypnotized, you remain conscious and in control. But you’re relaxed and highly focused. This allows you to tune out stimuli around you and reach a heightened state of awareness.

What is the difference between a Consulting Hypnotist and a Hypnotherapist?

The title “Consulting Hypnotist” was created by the National Guild of Hypnotists (NGH), while hypnotherapist is a generic title. Both titles refer to hypnotists who use hypnosis for behavioural change, as opposed to entertainment, and neither is regulated in Nova Scotia. It is also differentiate consulting hypnotist from psychotherapists.

What if I can’t reach the desired level of hypnosis?

I have no expectations for your experience, and neither should you! Anxiety might affect your ability to be in hypnotic state. You are encouraged to practice relaxation or meditation prior to your session, this will allow you to experience a deeper trance.

Can I be hypnotized?

Hypnosis is a naturally occurring state of mind, one that occurs more frequently than you realize. Most people can be hypnotised easily and deeply the first time they try hypnosis even though some need more practice and experience to reach the desired depth. However, there is a percentage of the population (up to 10%) that can’t be hypnotized at all.

To enhance your You are encouraged to practice relaxation or meditation prior to your session, this will allow you to experience a deeper trance.

Do I need to achieve a deep level of hypnosis to have a successful session?

Not necessarily, even with a moderate response to hypnosis you can benefit greatly from your session. Anxiety might affect your ability to be in hypnotic state. You are encouraged to practice relaxation, meditation or Guided Meditation prior to your session, this will allow you to experience a deeper trance. Remember, I have no expectations for your experience, and neither should you!

Do I lose control when I am in a trance state?

Loosing control is a myth created by the entertainment industry, they suggest that a person is in a hypnotic trance give up control. In reality, you don’t lose control over what you say or over your behavior during a session. Infect you remain aware and you will remember most if not all of what happens.

When I visit earlier memories or past lives, can I be stuck in the past?

You can never be “stuck” in hypnosis, in earlier memories or in a past life. You can be affected emotionally, and it can change your perspective on things.

Is past life regression safe? Is it possible to see or experience something that I might not want?

Past life regression is very safe; your subconscious would never give you anything that you’re not ready to know. Your experience and the information that you receive are given to you in the most compassionate way possible, while at the same time allowing you to obtain the healing you require.

Are past lives real? Do I really have past lives?

It’s not important if you believe in reincarnation or not to have a successful session. But it is important to come to your session with an open mind, and the desire to explore and enjoy the experience. When you experience a previous or other life during Past Life Regression and find a direct correlation to current-life challenges, you might experience a profound transformation as a result. It really doesn't matter if the experience is actual or metaphorical.

What if I see something I don't want to see?

Your subconscious will never show you anything you are not ready to explore.

Can you choose what past life to revisit?

The answer is probably no. However, your subconscious/higher-self will take you to the best life that will provide answers to your questions and current challenges.

What will you encounter during a past life regression sessions?

Some people discover lives that they have shared with people that they have a close bond with in their present life. Others are drawn to certain places or countries that they immediately feel comfortable and familiar with. Each life explored is a journey and an adventure.

Can you guarantee that I will be visiting past lives?

No, I can’t guarantee that. Most people will be able to visit a past life, however if you have a firm belief that past lives don’t exist then this might prevent you from opening your mind enough to enjoy the experience.

Will I remember what happened during the session afterwards?

Yes, most people do remember most of what happened, though with time it will fade away just like a dream. That’s why your session will be recorded and sent to so you can listen to it anytime you like.

Can I bring along a friend or a family member to sit in on the session?

No, this is an extremely private therapy since a lot of sensitive information may emerge therefore is it best that no one attend the session with you. You will have an audio recording of your session which you can share with whomever you wish. If you need someone to drive you or accompany you, they will need to drop you off.

What is the difference between Past Life Regression (PLR), Quantum Healing Hypnosis (QHHT) and beyond Quantum Healing (BQH)?

No, it is Not. Past Life Regression (PLR), Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT), and Beyond Quantum Healing (BQH) are distinct practices within the realm of regressive hypnosis, each with its own unique approach and methodology:

  • Past Life Regression (PLR)

PLR is a process focuses on exploring past life experiences. The sessions typically guide individuals to past lives that may be relevant to their current issues or questions. It is particularly used for understanding specific issues, like fears and phobias, nightmares, Déjà vu, or repeating patterns. PLR sessions generally does not delve into additional questions or healing.

  • Quantum Healing Hypnosis (QHHT)?

QHHT stands for Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique, a hypnosis method developed by the late Dolores Cannon. These sessions are comprehensive and allows people to access a part of themselves that holds all the answers. Some call this the ‘Higher-Self’, the ‘Over-Soul’, or the ‘Super Conscious’. With QHHT, clients can have a much clearer understanding of why things are the way they are and to create change within themselves if they desire. Read more. These sessions are comprehensive, often lasting about 4-6 hours, and are conducted exclusively in-person.

  • What is Beyond Quantum Healing (BQH)?

BQH stands for Beyond Quantum Healing Hypnosis, a hypnosis method developed by Candace Craw Goldman. BQH is a modern adaptation of the classic Quantum Healing Hypnosis QHHT. It maintains the core focus of QHHT, but it is more flexible by focusing less on procedures and more on heart-based, energetic, and creative approach with the goal of assisting clients in self-healing by incorporate a variety of healing modalities like Reiki or energy work, tailored to individual needs. These sessions last 4-6 hours and are conducted in-person or online.

What accreditation does QHHT and BQH practitioners have?

QHHT offers three levels of certifications, all levels require thorough understanding of coursework, experience facilitating sessions and a review/feedback exchange with their course instructor. BQH offers one level of training. Both methods offer ongoing support to practitioners and wonderful online communities for ongoing learning.

How can Past Life Regression (PLR), Quantum Healing Hypnosis (QHHT) and beyond Quantum Healing (BQH) sessions benefit me?

They may provide you with:

  • Answers to most pressing life questions,

  • Connection with your ‘Higher-Self’, the ‘Over-Soul’, or the ‘Super Conscious’,

  • Releasing of fears and phobias,

  • Providing guidance and opening of your heart and intuition,

  • Metaphysical answers like life purpose, spiritual development, relationships, career transition and advancements and much more…

Quantum Healing Hypnosis (QHHT) and beyond Quantum Healing (BQH) sessions help me lose weight and quit smoking?

QHHT & BQH will help you uncover the underlying reasons behind your weight, smoking, or other habits and conditions. If you are truly ready to release and let go, QHHT/BQH can help you make changes in your life.

What kinds of questions would I prepare for my Quantum Healing Hypnosis (QHHT) and beyond Quantum Healing (BQH) session?

You can ask any questions related to your health, life purpose, relations, money etc. please check Commonly Asked Questions to help you start your list and remember you can ask anything.

Will I need a follow-up session(s)?

This is totally up to you. If you still have unresolved emotions or questions; or if you want to explore more, then a second session or even a third can be very beneficial.

Is it possible to ask questions, in my Quantum Healing session, to help others?

Absolutely, you can ask questions that could help your family, friends even your pets. We are all connected and by helping others you are helping to make this world a better place.

How long does session take?

  • Quantum Healing Hypnosis (QHHT) and beyond Quantum Healing (BQH) session will take anywhere between 4-6 hours, in rare cases a bit longer.

  • Past Life Regression session will take anywhere between 2.5-3 hours.

Can I have my session online?

  • QHHT sessions are offered in person only.

  • BQH and Past Life Regression sessions are offered both in-person and online.

Will my session be recorded?

Yes, a digital audio recording of your (QHHT, BQH & PLR) session will be e-mailed to you within 48 hours of your session free of charge. The recording is for you to keep and use for personal growth.

Where are you located?

Our office is located at 11 Bloom Lane, Suite 209, Bedford, NS, B4B 1S8, Canada - By appointment only.

Book Free Consultation with Olive Tree Healing Hypnosis, NS

Where to start?

It is always a great idea to book your FREE 20-minute consultation with Mai and ask any questions you might have before booking your session.