How to Prepare For Your QHHT & BQH Session

We are not human beings having a spiritual experience, we are Spiritual beings having a human experience.
— Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

Before Your Session

Practice visualisation

Try to practice visualisation before your session, this will increase your ability to describe what you see during your session. Before going to sleep at night, try to picture your safe/happy place in as many details as possible. What colours do you see? Are there any sounds? Any people around you? Any animals? How does it smell? etc...

Another way is to listen to these short guided meditations I have prepared for you to help you relax and get familiar with my voice.

Be open

I would recommend to allow yourself to be open and true. This is what will make or break the experience. By being open you allow me to understand you. During the intake process I want you to relax and answer all of my questions. I encourage you to express and describe how you feel as honestly and openly as possible. The words will come as long as your are talking.

Have your questions ready

To be able to ask the questions you want me to ask your deeper-consciousness/higher-self during during your QHHT/BQH session, I need you to think about them and type them down. These questions can include, but are not limited to, big life questions, spirituality, health, relationship, family, career, money etc.

Please write down 5-15 questions that you like to ask, it would be best if they are divided by topic. If you find it too difficult to write clear questions, don’t stress about it, just do your best draft your questions and we will finalize them together during the intake part.

Relax and enjoy

It's okay to feel a little nervous about your first session. Remember, you will not be given or shown anything you are not ready for. There will be No judgement regarding any questions you may have or any situations you are in. The session is conducted from a place of pure love and understanding. Allow yourself to believe in what you are experiencing and be open to receiving the answers and help that you are seeking. There are no coincidences. You were led here for a reason.

What to wear

The session will take 4-6 hours and you will be laying down for approximately 2-3 hours during the hypnosis part of the session. Be sure to wear comfortable clothing that will not feel restrictive. You might get cold during the session but a blanket will be available to keep your warm. Please Do Not wear perfume to your session due to people’s sensitivities.

What to eat

Make sure to eat a light meal prior to your session . It is a long session and you don’t want to be uncomfortable. It is a good idea to bring a snack to eat immediately after the session.

Please avoid any alcoholic beverages at least 24 hours prior to your session. Also, it is advised not to have any caffeinated beverages (coffee, tea, pop, etc...) 2-4 hours prior to the session. If you are on any prescribed drugs please take them as prescribed.

During your Session

Part 1, Getting to know you

The session will start with a nice chat to get to know each other and your reasons for wanting this experience. We begin with your life story, focusing on the most significant events that have made you who you are today. It’s important to go into detail about the most important moments in life that made a huge impact. We may discuss relationships and anything else that is most relevant to get a good understanding of where you are now on your life path. Everything discussed is strictly confidential. So open up and just enjoy telling your story and we will go over your list of questions.

We will also talk about what to expect and how easy and natural it is to be guided into this deep state of relaxation, to let go and allow yourself to have this experience. This part will last anywhere between 1-2 hours and it will not be recorded.

Part 2, Hypnosis induction

This part of the session will start with Mai guiding you through a deep and enjoyable state of relaxation where you will be guided through a past life, or other experiences your soul has had. You don't need to believe in past lives to live this experience, you can name the experience as you like a 'story', a 'dream' or 'vivid imagination' etc... Either way your higher-self will be taking you to the place where your questions and issues began. This will help you understand, heal and move on in a better way!

Once we are finished with this part, Mai will gently ask your higher-self to answer your list of questions and to scan your body to heal and repair issues that are known and sometimes unknown. The hypnosis part of the session usually last anywhere between 1.5-2.5 hours and it will be recorded for you as people remember varying amounts.

Part 3, Debrief & conversation about your session

After we complete the session, Mai will gently bring you out of the hypnotic state and will discuss with you what occurred and what you remember. Memory of the session can vary from some remembering almost everything to others not remembering much. This part will take 30-60 minutes and it will not be recorded.

After the session


You will receive an audio recording of your QHHT/BQH session via email within 48 hours of your session. Having the recording is really important, because there is no way to remember everything that was said and most of it will fade away with time like a dream. By having this recording you may revisit lessons, healing and insights. Make sure to listen to the recording a few times after our session, but never while you’re driving. You might not remember everything that was said, especially the deeper parts when we connect with your higher-self. Listening again can really boost the session benefits and give you amazing insights into the answers and healing you received. 

Try to ​take it easy after your session, drink lots of water and spend time in nature if possible. Grounding, meditate, rest and listening to soft music can be very beneficial.

Please note, it is normal to feel quite sensitive to crowds or hectic situations for several days after the session, so it is better not to plan any major activities for few days after your QHHT/BQH session. It is recommended to avoid alcohol and recreational drugs for several days after the session as they can interfere with healing process which usually continues for several days after the session.

Last words

Be aware of conscious mind

Sometimes, during the session, your conscious mind might start analyzing and looking for logical explanations for what you are experiencing. It might tell you things like, 'This can't be right,' 'I can't see my past life,' or 'I must have imagined this.' It is natural to encounter this internal skepticism. It is important to enter the session with no expectations about what you should see or how it should go. Let go of resistance and allow the experience to unfold without any fear of the unknown. Release control and trust in the journey and the process; do not try to take charge. Just relax and go with it, even if it seems to make no sense. You will have time later to listen to the recording and piece it all together.

Enjoy the day as fully as possible

Take comfort in knowing that this process, developed by the late Dolores Cannon, has stood the test of time for over 40 years. When your session time comes, Mai will be right there to guide you on a deep journey of self-enlightenment and empowerment. It is your moment to truly shine. Embrace every minute of it with an open heart and a wonderful sense of curiosity.