Past Life Regression (PLR)

The future is born from the past … this route paves the way for increased understanding and allows ‘individuals’ to make wise choices in the present.
— Dr. Brian L. Weiss

Mai offers Past life Regression (PLR) sessions for those who are not interested in the deeper Quantum Healing Hypnosis (QHHT) modality. These sessions are shorter and are meant for those interested in experiencing their past lives only. Past Life Regression sessions can help you answer questions and could heal trauma and phobias if rooted in past life; but more importantly, they leave you with a sense of peace and a provide you with deeper sense of confidence to carry on with your current life.

Have you been here before?

Many cultures around the world believed that the end of one’s life is not the end. The soul will have to come back over and over to learn and grow until it reaches the point where reincarnation is no longer needed. Scientists and psychologists have recently conducted various studies into past lives and have made some significant discoveries that validated this belief.

Why look into a past life?

If you have ever questioned who you were in a past life, or if you have been curious if anyone in your current life has been a part of a previous one, or simply if you have ever wondered where you would go if you got your hands on a time machine, this session is for you.

Past life regression could also help in resolving fears and phobias; such as fear of water, heights, closed spaces, crowds, certain animals, etc. By going to a past life, you may re-experience events which have had an impact on your current fears and will help you to be able to release those fears and phobias.

Other reasons to delve into past life

This could include s long list of issues if there is no logical reasons to have them in your life in addition to unexplained health issues:

  • Allergies,

  • Feelings of not belonging,

  • Obesity,

  • Fears and phobias without knowing why,

  • Relationship issues and difficulties being intimate,

  • Love at first sight,

  • Why you act in a certain way or choosing to have certain people in your life,

  • Releasing obsessions, self-sabotaging, self-destruction and depression if they were rooted in past life,

  • Unexplained connection to person, place, culture or language,

  • Anger, resentment or guilt for no clear reason,

  • Unworthiness,

  • Flashbacks or panic attacks and much more…

Remember, past life regression not only allows you to see repeating patterns and cycles, but also provides a different perspective to such patterns. Sometimes unfinished business is carried over from life to life; never fully resolved, and this experience can help you identify and come to a new understanding of the people and events in your life with the hope that this newfound perspective will allow you to resolve and move on from whatever is holding you back.

What does a Past Life Regression session look like?

We will begin our session with a brief conversation to get to know you and understand your goals for the session. Then we will start the journey through a hypnotic induction that will allow you to reach a deeper state of consciousness, then you will be guided to the point of cause that an issue first came from. Surprisingly many people see the same key players in other lifetimes, mostly family, friends and intimate lovers.

I will guide you by asking questions intended to help you connect more fully to your experience. I will also assist you in releasing the emotions tied to the past experience.

It is important to understand that at no time will you lose control of yourself, nor will you lose consciousness. You will never do or say anything that you will not do or say in conscious state.

Finally, to reap the benefits of this session, it does not matter whether you believe in reincarnation or not. Weather your past life is real or imagined, you will still gain valuable insights that can improve your life.

Are Past Life Regression (PLR) sessions offered in-person or online?

PLR sessions are offered both in-person and virtually. You can choose what work best for you.

Technical requirements for online sessions

  • Quiet space where you can be alone and will not be interrupted for 3 hours.

  • Corded headset with microphone that goes over your mouth (no Bluetooth)

  • Laptop, notepad or iPad, smart phones are nor best for this session

How do I prepare for my session?

Try to practice visualisation before your session, this will increase your ability to describe what you see during your session. Before going to sleep at night, try to picture your safe/happy place in as many details as possible. What colours do you see? Are there any sounds? Any people around you? Any animals? How does it smell? etc... Another option s to listen to these short guided meditations I have created for you.

Set your intention

Be open and ready to receive the answers that you are seeking. Your higher-self will lead you to the life/lives that have the answers you are seeking. There are no coincidences and you will be led there for a reason.

Wear comfortable clothing

Be sure to wear comfortable clothing that will not feel restrictive. You might get cold during the session but a blanket will be provided to keep you warm. Please DO NOT wear perfume to your session due to people’s sensitivities.

Have a light meal

Make sure to eat a light meal prior to your session so you are feeling full but comfortable. It is a good idea to bring a snack to eat immediately after the session, it will help you get grounded faster.

Avoid the following

It is better to avoid any alcoholic beverages at least 24 hours prior to your session. Also, it is advised not to have any caffeinated beverages (coffee, tea, pop, etc...) drugs (unless prescribed), 2-4 hours prior to the session.

Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less.
— Marie Curie

I Am Ready